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They were on “the list” simply because they were big, black dogs. The “list” was a list of dogs to be destroyed at a crowded shelter. None of them had behavioral or medical issues – apparently they were just the wrong color and size. Luckily for these dogs Mary and Theresa put out a plea for foster homes, and Rescued Tails took three wonderful big, black dogs into our program. In no time flat the first of the three dogs, Jett, found his forever home. David had seen Jett’s photo online and brought the family to meet the handsome dog. They all loved him! Today you will find Jett working three days a week at the nursing home where his adoptive “mom” works. We are told, “He likes the residents as much as they like him. Jett hangs out in the activity room and does one-on-one visits with the residents.” Jett’s new family says, “He attends dog school one night a week, his favorite activity is going to the lake and Jett has been a wonderful addition to the family.” Thank you to David and his family for adopting and giving a homeless animal the chance to become a wonderful addition to society!


His past owners did not want him back because, “he couldn’t find his way home anymore”. The animal control facility where he ended up told us no one would take him because of his age. So when we were contacted about this gentle, senior lab who needed help we were on the way. One of our foster moms, Sue, met this old boy and took him into our program that very day. After a few trips to the vet and a new name, Bronski, this sweet senior was ready to find his forever home. Little did we know that Bronski had another challenge ahead of him. It wasn’t until a lump was removed that we found out about   the cancer, but the news didn’t seem to faze Bronski. He continued chasing the cats and being the, “best dog ever”, for Sue. People would inquire about adopting Bronski, but every time the word, “cancer”, was spoken the conversation ended. Then one day Charlene called inquiring about this beautiful, brown dog. She said he sounded perfect in every way, and the cancer was not an issue. Walt and Charlene adopted Bronski who now enjoys the company of their 13 yr. old yellow lab, Bonnie, and their 6 yr. old black lab, Ruger. The three canine buddies enjoy their days chasing squirrels and tennis balls. And Char says Bronski is always a “class act” and “such a blessing”. A special thank you to Sue for fostering and taking great care of Bronski until he found his forever home. And thank you so much to Walt and Char for adopting Bronski – the “unadoptable” dog.


There was a group of feral felines living on the property, and life was not very easy. Susan would stop by and put out food and water when she could, but she knew she had to do more. Susan contacted Rescued Tails for help, and we worked together to begin the process of live trapping the cats, caring for them and finding loving homes for them. One of those cats just happened to be, Penelope. Penelope was extremely shy and went to live in a foster home where she was given time to adjust and learn to trust humans. Soon it was time for Penelope to find her forever home, but when potential adopters would come to meet Penelope all she wanted to do was to run and hide! Lisa had been looking on-line for a feline companion, and as soon as she spotted the stunning, silver cat named, Penelope, she had to inquire. Lisa knew it would take time and patience, and the day she met Penelope is the day Penelope went to her forever home. In the beginning Lisa and her daughter went about their regular business, and Penelope gradually adjusted to them and their routine. Lisa says that now, no matter what they are doing, all three of them are always within 3 feet of each other, and Penelope is always at the door to greet them when they come home. The house can be full of people, and Penelope is right there in the mix! Thank you, Lisa, for giving your gift of time and patience to a very special feline.  


Three homes and not even a year old yet? The little bundle of fur was dropped off at Rescued Tails Animal Sanctuary by a concerned young man who told us the young pup had been getting into trouble, and no one could handle him. We looked down at little Samson, as he gnawed on his leash, and realized he had almost gnawed right through it! We scooped him up and brought him inside – we cleaned him up as he licked our faces, and looked at each other puzzled why no one would want such an adorable little puppy. Over the next few weeks Samson showed us why he had been tossed from home to home – he was an out of control, bundle of energy. Our kitchen became a racetrack of sorts for Samson with the only stoplight being…big Buddy, our 120 pound St. Bernard mix. Slowly but surely Samson began to make progress and learn manners. But what he really needed was a four-legged playmate. Kijo and Scott had seen Samson on our web site and came to Rescued Tails to meet the cute little pup they had seen online. Samson went to his new home that day, and Kijo and Scott turned out to be the PERFECT home for Samson (now named Deuce). Kijo describes Deuce as, “…truly the most loving and affectionate baby we've ever known, and has Scott wrapped around all four paws. I believe he's topped 150 lbs…. Almost every morning he comes to cuddle with me before the alarm goes off, and despite his size, he's perfected cuddling and insists on having his cuddle time a few times each day. He and Bubba are still the best of buds.” Thank you Kijo and Scott (and Bubba!) for giving Deuce the best home ever – forever!




“He just won’t listen, and I don’t like the way he looks at me!” Those were the reasons we were given. When Annette met the little dog she couldn’t believe his owner had made an appointment for a “one-way trip” to the vet! Annette knew she had to do something to help Dude so she told his owner that she would find him a new home. When Annette brought Dude to Rescued Tails everyone who met him fell in love – what a sweet little dog! Dude was the perfect gentleman everywhere he went, and he listened very well. Hundreds of miles away Renee had been searching online for a new dog, and when she spotted Dude on our web site she just had to find out more – even though she lived over 1,100 miles away in New York City! Renee and Regina made the long journey out to meet Dude, and the next day all three were in the car headed back to the Big Apple! It was quite an adjustment for Dude to make living in a studio apartment on Broadway Street in New York City, but he is doing quite well. He even has a new name – William! William has started his beginning obedience class, and we are confident he will be a star student!

 A special thanks to Annette and Fred for rescuing Dude, and fostering him until the perfect home was found!

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