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Animal Success Stories
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Yea for Momma!!! Momma was found a few summers ago, wedged between the boards in someone's riding stable. It took an hour for them to get her free, and when they did, they discovered she was pregnant. Momma and her kittens came to Rescued Tails when the rescuer could not keep them any longer, and Momma has been waiting for her new home ever since. Yesterday she found it! Thanks to Pet Supplies Plus in Rice Lake, WI for "fostering" Momma and thanks to Jordan for giving her the home she has been waiting for!


It was a hot summer day when Momma was found, wedged between old, broken boards in someone's riding stable. It took an hour for the people to get her free, and when they did, they discovered she was pregnant! Momma and her kittens came to Rescued Tails and received all the necessary vet care and lots of love in their special foster home. One by one, the little kittens found their forever homes. But Momma waited and waited for her new home, and wondered if her lucky day would ever come. Finally, after 3 years of waiting, in February 2012 Momma found her very own forever home! Thanks to Pet Supplies Plus in Rice Lake, WI for helping find Momma a home, and thanks to Danielle for giving her the loving home she had been waiting for, for so long!

(715) 468-7784 •  woofda [ at ]