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Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Out on the streets was no place for this fabulous feline. Dee knew she had to help this poor cat who had been dumped on the side of the road. So up into her truck the cat went and eventually Mustard came to Rescued Tails Animal Sanctuary. Upon arrival, this new boy was checked out by one of our veterinarians and given a clean bill of health. Mustard went to live at one of our  foster homes where he could play with other cats and dogs. Then the day came when Nina saw him. How could she resist that face? Mustard went home that very day and has been living the good life ever since. His new family tells us that he is spoiled rotten, loves his food and Mustard even has a canine sister, Sparrow, to sleep on! Life doesn’t get much better than that, and thanks to your support, Rescued Tails has helped save and find homes for hundreds of homeless animals just like Mustard.

(715) 468-7784 •  woofda [ at ]