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Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

One of our fabulous felines, found his forever home this past year. Barney was the first cat to wander onto the sanctuary grounds just over four years ago. He became known as “Mr. Social” and would race up to greet people who came to visit - everyone loved Barney and his outgoing personality. Barney helped many feline newcomers to the sanctuary learn that people were “ok” and that it was ok to trust two-legged giants. People came and went, but Barney always stayed - until a very special day in September when Lisa and the kids came to meet Barney. It was love at first site! Barney now has a house full of people to socialize with, and he even gets to sleep in their bed! Barney tells us it was well worth the wait!  Thanks to your help we were able to provide all the care needed for this special boy until his lucky day came when he was adopted. A special thank you to Lisa and her family for adopting Barney and giving him the loving home he long deserved.

(715) 468-7784 •  woofda [ at ]