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Wiley had been living in a small, cold kennel at a humane society for four, yes four, years. Rescued Tails was contacted by the humane society and asked if we could help Wiley because he, “just wasn’t doing well”. When we met Wiley his tail was tucked, and his entire body sunk to the ground when anyone approached him. It looked like his spirit had been broken. We immediately took him into our program and into one of our wonderful foster homes. We were amazed at how quickly he came around. Each day he became more comfortable with his new surroundings. He had other dogs to play with and cats to chase. And best of all he had the comforts of human contact both day and night. Wiley was doing so well in his foster home, but we were concerned because he was still so shy with new people and situations - how would he ever find his forever home? Well, in the summer of 2007 we were contacted by a woman whose son had seen Wiley’s picture on our web site. The family of five was in the process of moving and wanted to wait until they got settled in their new home before adopting a dog. We really did not think they would call back – but they did! And in the fall of 2007 the Kukert family came to meet Wiley. When Wiley saw the new family he was very, very shy and did not warm up to anyone – we were convinced the Kukerts would never call after seeing Wiley’s initial behavior. But once again we were happily surprised – the Kukert family got all moved into their new home and called us and asked when they could adopt Wiley! That holiday season was truly very special for Wiley and his new forever family – A big thank you to the Kukert Family!!




We were told that no one else would take the stray dog because he was “aggressive”. Eddie had been found running loose on the streets. No one knew for how long, and no one knew what he had encountered. When we first met Eddie it was obvious that he was very frightened – if anyone reached out to give him a treat he would snarl and lunge. Just looking at Eddie and making eye contact would send him into a fit. In the beginning we simply ignored Eddie and dropped treats on the floor – Eddie started to nibble, and then nibble more. Curiosity got the best of Eddie that day. In no time flat Eddie was taking treats from our hands and giving us lots of kisses. From that day on Eddie knew he would never have to be frightened of people again. Eddie lived for a year at the sanctuary and learned basic obedience and played with other dogs. His lucky day came when Amy saw Eddie on-line. Amy read his story and knew he was the one. Eddie now lives in a big house and even gets to go to work with Andrew! Eddie found the perfect home, and Andrew and Amy tell us they found the perfect dog.



Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea’s story began in a crowded house where she was found living with almost 30 other cats. Her owner had passed away, and now all these cats needed someone to help them. Slowly but surely the volunteers at Rescued Tails worked to get each cat ready for a loving new home. This meant trips to the vet, feeding and grooming and most of all - time and patience. Many of the cats, like Sweet Pea, were shy and would run away from strangers. Sweet Pea’s lucky day came when Geneane read her story and met her. Sweet Pea (renamed Sadie) now enjoys her days basking in the sunshine and watching the squirrels from the lap of her new person, Geneane, who says Sadie is just a delightful companion!


Out on the streets was no place for this fabulous feline. Dee knew she had to help this poor cat who had been dumped on the side of the road. So up into her truck the cat went and eventually Mustard came to Rescued Tails Animal Sanctuary. Upon arrival, this new boy was checked out by one of our veterinarians and given a clean bill of health. Mustard went to live at one of our  foster homes where he could play with other cats and dogs. Then the day came when Nina saw him. How could she resist that face? Mustard went home that very day and has been living the good life ever since. His new family tells us that he is spoiled rotten, loves his food and Mustard even has a canine sister, Sparrow, to sleep on! Life doesn’t get much better than that, and thanks to your support, Rescued Tails has helped save and find homes for hundreds of homeless animals just like Mustard.

Emma Lou

Emma Lou came to Rescued Tails after being rescued from an abusive home. When Emma arrived at Rescued Tails she was able to run and play, roll around in the grass and bark – all the fun things dogs do. Emma was always very sweet and would immediately sit in front of visitors to get the attention she so loved. For over a year, people would come and go, but Emma never got what she really wanted – a real home. One day Meredith was scanning the web site and spotted Emma Lou. Meredith thought to herself, “She looks like the perfect dog for us!” It turns out that Mike and Meredith were the perfect home for Emma! Emma now enjoys her days going on long walks and getting lots of love and attention – Emma’s dream has come true – her very own forever home!

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(715) 468-7784 •  woofda [ at ]