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The poor orange cat seemed to be having a hard time fitting in. Puma had been returned to us because he didn’t fit into the family’s “lifestyle” anymore. Puma went back to live at his foster home which made “home number two” for the feline. We couldn’t figure out what the issue was – Puma was a complete gentleman in his foster home – never a problem. It took some time, but Puma eventually was spotted online and made his way into the hearts and home of a new family. Thanks to Greg and Theo for meeting and adopting Puma and making his third home, his forever home. As you can see from the photo, Puma is fitting in purrrrfectly in his new home with his buddy Kuva!


One of our fabulous felines, found his forever home this past year. Barney was the first cat to wander onto the sanctuary grounds just over four years ago. He became known as “Mr. Social” and would race up to greet people who came to visit - everyone loved Barney and his outgoing personality. Barney helped many feline newcomers to the sanctuary learn that people were “ok” and that it was ok to trust two-legged giants. People came and went, but Barney always stayed - until a very special day in September when Lisa and the kids came to meet Barney. It was love at first site! Barney now has a house full of people to socialize with, and he even gets to sleep in their bed! Barney tells us it was well worth the wait!  Thanks to your help we were able to provide all the care needed for this special boy until his lucky day came when he was adopted. A special thank you to Lisa and her family for adopting Barney and giving him the loving home he long deserved.

Lula-very friendly!

Barb had put out an e-mail desperately trying to save the little dog she had found running loose. The dog was sitting at the dog pound and her days were numbered!  She had barked and lunged at another dog so many thought she was “dog-aggressive”. We knew the little dog was under a great deal of stress, and the animal control officer told us the dog actually seemed to be very sweet. When we showed up to help she was all wiggles and… skin and bones! We brought her straight to our vet to receive some much needed care.  The little pit bull came to be known as Lula. Throughout the months that Lula lived here at the sanctuary she grew bigger, stronger and more confident. Her entire body would wiggle and wag when she met other dogs and she was a star in her training class! Lula’s day to really shine came when Allison and Jake spotted her online. Lula jumped for joy (literally!) when she met the young couple. And it has been a match made in heaven!


There was a call from our vet asking if we could help. An 8 year old cat had been brought in to be euthanized because she didn't like the small children in her house. How bad could a cat named, “Snuggles” be? Well, when we met her we realized she wasn’t “bad” at all! We took Snuggles into our program and she lived up to her name – her foster mom, Seena adored the feline.  Being a senior cat made her a bit of a challenge to find a home for – but we never gave up on Snuggles, and after three years, her special day finally came. Julia and her daughter had been looking on our web site and saw Snuggles. How could they resist a cat with such a wonderful name? Julia tells us their family absolutely LOVES Snuggles, and most of the time you will find this feline “snuggled” up their 14 year old daughter!


Animal control said she had been picked up as a stray and never reclaimed. The senior gal had been passed over due to her age, and Rescued Tails was one of her last hopes. We needed to find a special foster home that could help this poor dog. Foster mom “super-hero”, Theresa, picked up the old dog from animal control and named her Shelby. She came to us with heartworm disease, a urinary infection and ear infection. But it was Shelby’s sweetness that made an impact on everyone who met her. Throughout her heartworm treatments Shelby was always the perfect patient. She got along well with others and was a joy to care for. Shelby’s special day came when Ben and Lori contacted us inquiring about our senior dog. They had been looking for a canine companion to love who would do well with their cats. Shelby was the perfect match! Shelby was adopted and recently went on a two mile hike with Ben and Lori in the U.P.! Way to go Shelby, and thanks to Ben and Lori for adopting a senior!

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(715) 468-7784 •  woofda [ at ]